contact us

A market manager is available at each market during hours of operation. Please visit them should you have questions regarding that specific market or should you have questions while shopping! If you would like to connect with us outside of market hours, email us!

Vendor info

We work hard to keep a larger ratio of farmers to other vendors at our markets. This ensures it will be a successful venue for local farmers to deliver the best in fresh fruits and vegetables, plus meats, eggs, plants & flowers to community members. Thus, our categories for artisans and prepared or value-added foods are limited and may be full at multiple market locations. You are always welcome to submit an application for consideration if you are a farmer, food vendor, crafter or artisan, but there is no guarantee a space within the market will become available. Your application will be kept on file in the event that a space does open up. You will only be contacted in the event that space becomes available for your product. In the event of availability within a market, we will contact those vendors that 1) meet all criteria and 2) are the best fit for the overall atmosphere of the market according to their product.